RESOLUTION 2002 - 06


WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Grant was adopted in 1998; and

WHEREAS, the City of Grant Comprehensive Plan provides for development of property utilizing a one unit per ten acre density which has been strictly enforced since 1975; and

WHEREAS, the Grant City Council reaffirmed its opposition to the detachment of land within the boundaries of the City of Grant at the October 5, 1999 City Council Meeting and a letter to this effect was sent to the Metropolitan Council, the City of Mahtomedi, Independent School District 832, and others on October 8, 1999; and

WHEREAS, the  Metropolitan Council reviewed and accepted the Grant Comprehensive Plan in January 1999; and

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council’s 2030 working plan shows Grant and Mahtomedi remaining in their current boundaries with projected growth supported by those boundaries; and

WHEREAS, the City of Grant supported the Mahtomedi Comprehensive Plan when it was proposed and adopted; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mahtomedi supported the Grant Comprehensive Plan when it was proposed and adopted; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mahtomedi indicated that they had no interest in acquiring any lands in Grant and passed a resolution supporting Grant's incorporation process in 1996; and

WHEREAS, one of the reasons that the City of Grant incorporated its boundaries was to ensure the stability of its borders and protect its rural character in an effort to provide for the wishes and expectations of its residents; and

WHEREAS, the City of Grant Comprehensive Plan is supported by Washington County’s adoption of the Washington County Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, Independent School District 832 supported Grant’s Comprehensive Plan and in written comments about Grant's Comprehensive Plan, stated, “if the current low-density development were to change, it would have a major impact on the Mahtomedi School District in terms of needing additional school facilities”; and

WHEREAS, Independent School District 832 has previously agreed to work cooperatively with the City of Grant on any expansion of school facilities; and

WHEREAS, Independent School District 832’s support for a proposal to detach land from the City of Grant is contrary to that expressed intention and is not in harmony with cooperatively providing for those people living within the School District, the City of Grant or the City of Mahtomedi; and

WHEREAS, the perceived benefit of a land donation to the School District has not been adequately weighed against the costs to the City of Grant and City of Mahtomedi in extending public utilities, traffic congestion or the harmony of the communities; and

WHEREAS, the proposed detachment will result in the School District, the City of Mahtomedi and the City of Grant expending considerable time, energy and money on legal proceedings; and

WHEREAS, in the event that onsite sewer or water would not be adequate to serve the needs of the School District, the City of Grant has agreed to allow an adequate water and waste treatment system to serve the School District property; and

WHEREAS, the School District, instead of focusing on the education of students within the School District, has determined that the City of Mahtomedi should expand its geographic boundaries in order to provide the School District with the necessary students for their current operation; and

WHEREAS, this directive is clearly contrary to any state or legislative directive and it is clear that the School District is attempting to take over the roles of the communities in determining boundaries and the appropriate number of residents for each community; and

WHEREAS, Independent School District 832 is sending mixed messages regarding the needs of the School District because last fall, prior to the referendum, the School District claimed that it needed additional facilities to meet student enrollment needs and now they are promoting the detachment and annexation of property allegedly to “bring new resident students to the district at a time when enrollment has been projected to decrease”; and

WHEREAS, Independent School District 832 advises prospective students and parents on their website that the School District is full and that they are not accepting any children under the open enrollment plan; and

WHEREAS, no study was conducted by the School District to support the proposed detachment and annexation including a determination of the impact on public utilities, roads, or the harmony of each community; and

WHEREAS, the construction of 300 new housing units on the adjacent Bruggeman property would dramatically increase traffic congestion on Hilton Trail and CSAH 12; and

WHEREAS, the feasibility of providing water and sewer to an area not currently within the City of Mahtomedi and the proposed costs of such development have not been studied by the School District or the City of Mahtomedi; and

WHEREAS, such an undertaking by the School District is outside the scope of their directives and duties to provide education to the students within the School District; and

WHEREAS, the detachment of property from one City to another is disruptive to both communities and is contrary to the comprehensive plans of each community; and

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has clearly indicated that it will not get in the middle of any border dispute by taking a position on either side of the issue; and

WHEREAS, Independent School District 832 has the funds to acquire the needed lands as a result of the bond issue passed specifically for this purpose; and

WHEREAS, the City of Grant has agreed to accommodate the School District with the necessary services for any future school expansion; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Grant will reject any and all applications for detachment of land currently within the boundary of the City of Grant into adjoining Cities or any changes to its boundaries or its density.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Grant will take whatever steps are necessary to protect and preserve the City’s Goals and Policies as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and to oppose any detachment proceedings with any and all resources which are available to the City of Grant.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Grant encourages the City of Mahtomedi to reject any proposal by Independent School District 832 to detach and annex land from the City of Grant to the City of Mahtomedi.

WHEREUPON, a vote, being taken upon the proposed resolution by submitted by Sharon Schwarze and seconded by Council person Rick Vanzwol, the following members voted in favor:  Rick Vanzwol, Sharon Schwarze, Tim Gangnon and Mayor Thomas Carr;

and the following voted against:  Art Welander.
 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grant this 6th day of August, 2002.

      Thomas Carr, Mayor

Barbara Bartholdi, City Clerk